

Accelerate growth. Evolve beyond barriers.

Vortex helps your organization to reach optimum growth through our digital transformation and application development services, as well as our in-house products.


Who we are

Vortex is a Yogyakarta-based technology and digital transformation company that provides a full service of digital transformation needs. We consist of people with various expertise and plenty of projects behind us. Together we empower people and businesses to evolve beyond barriers.


Built for you

We are here to provide you a one-stop digital transformation service. We do detailed research on your business model and targeted audience and see what we can do to scale up your business.


Why we exist

Many organizations struggle to evolve and thrive into technology-dominated future. A future that depends on organizational behavior change at scale.


How we do it

By listening, understanding, and empathizing with your business problem, we commit to giving your business our best. We also conduct comprehensive researches to provide accurate and smart solutions.


Are you ready to evolve beyond barriers?




Jalan Prof. Dr. Sardjito 25 B, Terban, Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta 55223


© 2021 PT Vortex Buana Edumedia. All rights reserved.